Chapter 2. What are the cured hams in Spain that are protected by PGI’s?

 In Iberian

What are the PGI’s and DOp’s for cured ham in Spain?

In the previous chapter we learned a lot about cured ham in general and about the Jamón Serrano TSG. Now it is time to dedicate a few lines to the quality figures for ham; the PGI’s and PDO’s of Spanish cured ham. We are talking about Protected Geographical Indications (PGI’s) and Protected Designations of Origin (PDO’s).

The PGI differs from the PDO in one important aspect. The entire production process of a ham protected by a PDO is always carried out in the area protected by the PDO. In the case of the PGI, some parts of the production process can be carried out in other territories.

In addition, in PDOs, the product has unique characteristics linked to the PDO territory.

Which hams have PGI in Spain?

There are only two Protected Geographical Indications for ham; the PGI of Jamón de Serón and Jamón de Trevélez. Both PGI’s are Andalusian. They come from regions with a long ham tradition; the Alpujarras mountains in Granada and the Almanzora Valley in Almería.

In the next chapter on the figures of cured ham with Protected Designation of Origin, of which there are 5.

Today we want to know more about the Spanish cured hams protected by the PGI’s.

We begin the second chapter of the series: How many do you know about cured ham?; The PGI’s of cured ham in Spain

What is Serón Ham?

Well, it is a unique ham. A large, fatty ham, cured in Serón, Almería.

Serón is a municipality in the province of Almería at an altitude of 822m. Located between the Sierra de los Filabres and the Sierra de las Estancias, at the head of the Almanzora River Valley. This area is recognized as the most arid zone of the entire European continent with very particular microclimatic conditions.

Why the tradition of producing hams in Serón?

We know that since the sixteenth century there was already a custom of raising and slaughtering hams in the municipality of Serón. This is attested to by the Ordinances of the Council of Serón in the 16th century, which established permitted and prohibited practices in the breeding and slaughter of pigs. The first registered industries in Serón date from the 19th century.

As a curiosity, you should know that the first Spanish cured ham introduced in Japan in 2001 was a Jamón de Serón.

What does a ham have to comply with to be a Jamón de Serón PGI?

To begin with, only hams produced exclusively in the municipality of Serón may carry this PGI .
To obtain a good Jamón de Serón ham, the legs must come from pigs of one of the following breeds or their crosses: Duroc, Large White, Landrace, Belgian White, Pietrain and Chato Murciano.
The hams, when fresh, must weigh a minimum of 11kgs including the skin.

Two types of hams can be produced:

  • The “S-XVI” category, with a minimum cured ham weight of 7 kg and a 16-month curing period.
  • The “S-XX” category, with a minimum weight of 8 kgs and a minimum of 20 months of curing.

At ibericomio we are working with producers of Serón Ham so that very soon you will be able to buy Serón Ham on our website.

Not far from Serón there is another region that also has hams protected with a PGI. We are referring to the Trevélez Hams.

What is Trevélez Ham?


The Trevélez ham has been an internationally recognized ham for more than 200 years. Queen Elizabeth II in 1862 recognized the quality of the ham with the Elizabethan royal seal indicating: “Awarded by H.M. Queen Elizabeth II in 1862. Trevélez”.

The special characteristics of taste and smell are attributed to the particular and unique production area where Trevélez hams are produced: The Sierra Nevada Natural Park.

The municipalities that make up the PGI Jamón de Trevélez are, in addition to Trevélez, Juviles, Busquistar, Portugos, la Taha, Bubión, Capileira and Berchules. All of them in the upper part of the region of La Alpujarra Granadina.

PGI Trevélez Ham

The Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) establishes that only Landrace, Large-White and Duroc-Jersey crossbred pigs may be used in the production of these hams.

Among the hallmarks, the most important is that it must be cured naturally with salt only. Without any type of nitrifying agents. In addition, it is required that the drying sheds are always above 1200m altitude.

The leg is rounded in shape and the back is all covered with skin. Minimum cures should be:

  • 14 months for hind legs with a fresh weight between 11.3 and 12.3 kg.
  • 17 months for pieces with a fresh weight between 12.3 and 113.5 kg.
  • 20 months for hams weighing more than 13.5 kg fresh.

The PGI establishes blue, red and black seals, depending on the curing process.

In Ibericomio you can buy hams from Trevélez

We already know the cured hams of Spain protected by the PGI’s. In the previous chapter we learned about the Serrano Ham TSG. In addition, there are 5 Protected Designations of Origin for Cured Ham, the PDOs of ham. We will talk about them in the next chapter of the series.

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