Organic ham. What makes the difference

 In Iberian

At first glance, it may seem that acorn-fed Iberian ham is organic by nature. Animals fed on acorns and raised in open-air pastures provide a very sustainable vision, and it is! However, if we want a 100% natural and organic Iberian ham, we will have to look a little further. If you are interested in knowing in depth what differentiates an organic ham from one that is not, we invite you to continue reading this post.

We have already talked about why Iberian ham is healthy in another of our blog posts, but we understand that there are people who are looking for a product that is completely free of artificial products. If you are looking to to buy Iberian ham online and that is also organic, you can not miss the selection that ibericomio has for you.

What makes a ham organic

Current regulations demand a series of requirements to producers to certify that a food is organic. This is due to a European Community regulation that is important because it prevents, in colloquial terms, that they give you a pig in a poke.

We began this article talking about the fact that it may seem that country or acorn-fed ham, because it is not from intensive livestock farming, is organic. Due to regulations, in reality it only obtains this label if certain conditions are met.

The environment: pastures and organic farms

First of all, there is the environment in which the animals have been raised. The organic pastures and farms are always independent from the traditional ones, they are certified and controlled. To obtain the European Union organic farm certificate, no pesticides or chemicals must have been used in the last two years to treat the area.

No chemicals or elements harmful to the environment in the animals’ breeding areas.

Breeding and fattening

Turning to the animals, first of all, animal welfare is guaranteed. By law, the Iberian pigs have more land per head in these organic pastures. The breeding of duroc pigs (the traditional white pig), destined to give us delicious organic sausages and hams. organic sausages and hams, also differs also differs from traditional livestock farming.

Within our range of organic products, you can find hams and sausages both Iberian and Duroc. In both cases, the animals will have been raised in freedom and in the open air, enjoying the natural resources offered by nature, with its leaves, acorns and various foods from the countryside.

Finally, all their feed must be of certified organic origin. If they are fattened or if they have needed additional feed during fattening, this feed must also have an organic label.

Drying and curing

The last stage in the production of cured shoulder and ham is drying and curing. The ham must be salted before it is cured in the drying sheds. Usually in the salting phase, other additives are added as preservatives to the Iberian or Serrano ham to accelerate the curing time.

In the case of organic ham, there should be no artificial additives other than sea salt. In some cases natural additives are used to give more flavor, such as garlic or paprika. These must also be of certified organic origin. This is the only way to give the final product the seal that distinguishes it as organic.

Organic ham and its labeling

The main mark to look for on an organic ham (or any other organic food) within the European Union is its label.

organic label ham

This logo identifies all products produced within the EU that meet the requirements to be organic. It is essential to look for this seal on any organic sausage, shoulder or ham that we are going to buy, whether it is Iberian, Duroc or mixed breed.

As we have mentioned, this distinction is the guarantee of the product’s origin. Of course, all the products that ibericomio offers as organic carry the regulatory label certifying them as such.

In Iberian hams and shoulders, we will also find the traditional ham flanges that classify the ham according to its diet and breed.

We encourage you to visit our selection of organic products. You have at your disposal organic Iberian organic Iberian hams, as well asas well as artisan and organic serrano ham and packs of organic pâtés and sausages. Enjoy products that provide a good balance between meat consumption and care for the environment.

Cover by Ana Rey

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