What are the labels or seals on Iberian ham?

 In Iberian

In this article we will show you what the seals or labels are before you buy buying Iberian ham and how to distinguish some Iberian hams from others. Let’s start…

There is a lot of literature, comments from friends, blogs that you may have read and heard about Iberian ham, its purity, its diet, its cut, its marbling, the curing time, the new R.D. 4/2014 standard…and maybe they are driving you crazy….¿Can it be? in that case you are in the right place. Let’s try to bring you some sanity about this product.

Iberian ham standard. RD 4/2014

The issue is more complex than we would all like. To give you an idea, in 2001 a quality standard for Iberian ham was approved. Since then there have been modifications, new orders have been passed… Such was the dispersion that in 2007 a new quality standard was published. However, the mismatches with the producing sector, the difficulties of knowledge about the product by consumers, the confusion arising from the use of symbols, denominations…and many other factors have made necessary the drafting of a new quality standard published in January 2014 (Royal Decree 4/2014), which is currently in force. This standard, among other aspects, regulates denominations and traceability.

You will be able to see some news about appeals presented to the norm, about parliamentary initiatives to improve some aspects of it. In short, it is not easy because we are talking about a product that is deeply rooted in our culture and economy, with all that this entails.

Iberian ham labels or seals and breed purity

From Ibericomio we give you some advice and clarify what the labels are before you buy buying Iberian ham.

Considering breed purity, feeding and handling, the current labeling distinguishes the following categories:

What is the black seal on an Iberian ham?

Black Label: Acorn-fed Ham (100% Iberian). Hams and loins that come from 100% Iberian pigs raised in freedom in the pastures and fed during their last fattening phase (Montanera) on acorns, grasses and other natural resources of the Dehesa. This is what we all know as an authentic pata negra.

You may also have heard this term used to refer to products of the highest quality, and in the world of Iberian ham this is also true.

You should also bear in mind that when we see a 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham, it is always a pata negra.

Both the mother and the father from which the ham or shoulder come from are 100% Iberian and therefore, the resulting ham will be a 100% pata negra Iberian ham.

Remember that this has nothing to do with the hoof being black. There are pigs that have a black hoof but are neither 100% Iberian nor pata negra, but in general any pata negra Iberian ham will have a black hoof.

In this type of hams or shoulders we will always find a black label like the following one.
Black bridle on Iberian ham

What is the red seal on an Iberian ham?

Red Label: Acorn-fed Iberian Ham (75% Iberian or 50% Iberian). Hams and loins that come from crossbred pigs, raised in freedom in the pastures and fed during their last fattening phase (Montanera) on acorns, grasses and other natural resources of the Dehesa.

In this type of acorn-fed 75% or 50% Iberian hams we will find a red seal as the following.

Red bridle on Iberian ham

So far we have the acorn-fed Iberian hams, which can be 100% (black seal) or %/50% (red seal). If you choose any of these options you will be choosing the highest quality Iberian ham.

One thing that is clear in these two labels is that they have been raised in freedom in the pasture and that the feed is that which offers them the natural resources of the pasture. This is where the characteristic flavors and smells of this quality Iberian ham come from.

What is the green seal on an Iberian ham?

Green label: Iberian Cebo de Campo Ham (100% Iberian, 75% Iberian or 50% Iberian) Hams and loins that come from pigs raised free-range in pastures and fed on natural pasture, grass and feed.

The main difference between these hams and the previous acorn-fed hams is that they are also feed-fed although they are also free-range.

The green seal on an Iberian ham is an excellent option if you do not want to spend a lot of money but still enjoy the authentic flavors of a good Iberian ham.

When a ham or shoulder is from cebo de campo, it will always have the green label.

green flange on Iberian ham

What is the white seal on an Iberian ham?

White Label: Iberian Cebo Ham (100% Iberian, 75% Iberian or 50% Iberian). Hams and loins that come from pigs fed with feed composed of cereals and legumes and raised in an intensive regime.

The main difference between the previous hams is that it is fed with feed and farm-raised pigs.

It is a good option to start tasting Iberian ham without spending too much money.

And finally, whenever we find a 50% Iberian cebo ham, we will have the white label.

white label ham cebo

If you want to know everything about these seals that some call Iberian flanges, we have also made a video to explain it in detail.

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