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Iberian Ham Cebo Campo and Cebo


An Iberian field bait ham is one that comes from pigs raised in freedom among oak forests whose diet is supplemented with feed, cereals and legumes that have a minimum of 50% racial purity.

A good and quality Iberian ham of field bait depends on several factors. One of them is the management, that is, how is the extensive breeding of the Iberian pig in freedom.

In the world of Iberian we always talk about a good Iberian ham of bait field when it comes from Iberian pigs well "campeados". The term "campeado" refers to an Iberian pig that has made the most of the resources of the fields of holm oaks and cork oaks. That is, that the pig has plenty of space to exercise.

RD 4/2014 refers to Royal Decree 1221/2009 to explain the conditions of extensive handling of the Iberian pig. Roughly, we will tell you that it will be considered that an extensive pig farm must have a maximum of 15 Iberian pigs per hectare.

RD 4/2014 admits that "animals may be fattened in bait farms in intensive outdoor facilities and may have part of the surface covered". This paragraph is fundamental to appreciate the difference between the bait field of the "super" and the authentic ham of bait field "campeado".

It is important that the animal has as much space as possible in which to exercise. The Iberian hams of bait field that come from animals with a good handling in freedom are easy to identify. Cured Iberian ham has a very thin leg and a worn hoof.

The second factor to get a ham of this quality category is food. The basis of the diet of the Iberian pig raised in extensive are cereals and legumes. However, a pig raised in extensive will take advantage of the roots, herbs and some other acorn to satisfy their hunger. Therefore, if the pig is raised in a countryside rich in pastures, it will be noticed and we will get a rich and better quality Iberian field bait ham.

These two factors, handling and feeding give their name to the best-selling Iberian ham, the field bait ham. The animal is "fattened" with feed in the "field".

The third factor is the most important. The race. It is the difference of this ham from others from pigs raised in freedom. Iberian field bait hams generally have a racial purity of 50%. This implies that they come from 100% Iberian female and 100% Duroc male. A minimum carcass weight of 115kgs is required

Although it is not usual, you can also buy 100% Iberian field bait ham, which is usually animals raised in Montanera regime but that did not arrive in time for slaughter and classification as 100% Iberian acorn-fed pig. A minimum carcass weight of 108kgs is required.

The last factor to get a high quality Iberian field bait ham is the curing process. A slow curing, in a natural cellar will guarantee an Iberian ham with incomparable flavor and smell. The legislation requires a minimum cure of 24 months but in our portal you will check that we have field bait ham with more than 32 months.


Many of you will have heard of the Iberian Ham of Recebo. This denomination disappears with the new standard of Iberian ham in 2014. Strictly speaking, we should not and cannot relate what was previously called Recebo Ham with any of the 3 categories that, due to the feeding and handling of the animal, establishes the Iberian standard; Acorn-fed ham, Cebo Campo and Cebo.

Until 2014 it was considered Iberian ham of recebo that came from animals fed with acorns and fruits of the field in the beginnings but that later was fattened with feed and cereals. There are those who indicate that the ham of recebo would correspond to what is now called Jamón de Cebo Campo ibérico but if we analyze the conditions established by the previous standard and the current one, there is no 100% direct relationship either.

Iberian bait ham. The best price

Iberian bait ham is the most common in all points of sale. It is a piece from animals raised in intensive regime. The price disparity that you can find in an Iberian bait ham comes from several factors. Within the intensive there are many variants, being possible farms with more or less space for the animal. In addition, there are also differences between the quality of feed with which Iberian pigs are fed. Finally, the curing process of Iberian ham can be more or less artisanal, also influencing the flavor.

In Ibericomio, we select producers who offer us an Iberian bait ham from farms that seek animal welfare, fed with the best feed and cured with patience. This is how we get a ham with an authentic flavor. Being direct from the producer we get a very affordable price.

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