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List of products by supplier Jamones ibéricos Faustino Prieto

Jamones Faustino Prieto de Salamanca are artisan producers of hams, shoulders and sausages of first quality using traditional methods with the best specimens of Iberian pigs raised in freedom of pigs raised by them. They make their customers happy with top quality Iberian products such as Iberian hams, Iberian shoulders and Iberian sausages.

The Iberian pig is their world and they control the life of all their pigs, from birth, growth in the pasture raised in freedom feeding naturally and with feed made by themselves. One of the key factors that distinguishes us is that we ensure that the taste of hams, shoulders, sausages, sausages, morcones, etc., is always the same. For Faustino Prieto, it is essential to maintain an adequate and equal diet from the gestation process of the pigs, that is why we built our own mill to make our own 100% natural feed.


The generation of Faustino Prieto in Salamanca was a generation of dedicating a lot of time to work, with a lot of tenacity and effort. They started in village fairs and ended up at the Milan Gastronomy Fair.


Cespedosa de Tormes has special conditions that make it the most suitable enclave in the world for the ham industry. Its location, altitude, winds and climate favor both pig breeding and curing sausages.

The fields, pastures and farm are located at 1,200 meters high between Cespedosa del Tormes passing through different farms feeding freely.

From April to October they feed on grass, roots and our natural feed and from October to March, during the montanera, they do it mainly on acorns both in our farms and in other specific acorns.

All our sausage, hams and shoulders are cured in natural dryers except for hams that spend 3 or 4 months in artificial dryer. The hams go through a very delicate stage of their curing after salting and need very constant humidity and temperature conditions so that the quality of the final product is perfect.


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